What Does An Unviewed Story Mean On Snapchat?

Snapchat’s ‘Unviewed Story’ is a notification that pops up when one of your friends has posted a story that you haven’t seen yet. This feature is designed to keep you engaged with your friends’ activities and ensure you don’t miss out on any exciting updates. Remember, Snapchat Stories are ephemeral—they vanish after 24 hours. So, the ‘Unviewed Story’ notification is Snapchat’s way of saying, “Hey, check this out before it disappears!”

What Does An Unviewed Story Mean On Snapchat

Understanding Snapchat’s ‘Unviewed Story’ Notification

The ‘Unviewed Story’ notification can be a bit confusing, especially for new Snapchat users. When you see this notification, it means that a friend has posted a new story that you haven’t viewed yet. This is Snapchat’s way of keeping you in the loop with your friends’ latest posts. It’s a gentle nudge to remind you to catch up with your friends’ activities before the stories disappear.

How To Turn Off Snapchat Story Notifications

If you find the ‘Unviewed Story’ notifications more annoying than helpful, you can turn them off in the Snapchat settings. Here’s how:

  1. Open Snapchat and tap the profile icon or Bitmoji in the top left of the screen.
  2. Tap the Settings icon or gear in the top right.
  3. Find and select the ‘Notifications’ menu.
  4. Turn off the ‘Stories from Friends’ setting.

By following these steps, you can customize your Snapchat experience to suit your preferences.

Decoding The Numbers On A Snapchat Story

When you post a story on Snapchat, you might notice numbers appearing on it. These numbers indicate how many views your story has received. To view these numbers:

  1. Tap the profile icon.
  2. Tap ‘My Story’ to view your story.
  3. Swipe up on the screen.

Snapchat will display the names of up to 200 friends who have viewed your story. If you have a Snapchat+ subscription, you can also see how many Snapchatters rewatched your story, indicated next to the eyes emoji. However, Snapchat keeps the identities of those who rewatched your story a secret.


What is Snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular social media platform known for its unique features like disappearing messages and stories.

What is an ‘Unviewed Story’ on Snapchat?

An ‘Unviewed Story’ is a notification from Snapchat informing you that a friend has posted a story that you haven’t seen yet.

How can I turn off ‘Unviewed Story’ notifications on Snapchat?

You can turn off ‘Unviewed Story’ notifications by going to the ‘Notifications’ menu in the Snapchat settings and turning off the ‘Stories from Friends’ setting.

What do the numbers on a Snapchat story mean?

The numbers on a Snapchat story indicate how many views the story has received.

Can I see who rewatched my story on Snapchat?

If you have a Snapchat+ subscription, you can see how many Snapchatters rewatched your story. However, Snapchat does not reveal the identities of those who rewatched the story.


In conclusion, Snapchat’s ‘Unviewed Story’ notification is a handy feature that keeps you engaged with your friends’ activities. By understanding what it means and how it works, you can make the most of your Snapchat experience. Happy Snapping!

About the Author

The author, is an acclaimed content writer and social media expert, celebrated for their ability to decode complex digital trends. With a portfolio of award-winning blogs, I have a deep understanding of platforms like Snapchat, making them a trusted source for readers and search engines alike. Their commitment to high-quality, user-focused content embodies the principles of Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T), ensuring their work consistently meets the evolving standards of the digital world.

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